Paranoid Kim Jong-un on edge

All, Asia, East Asia, News, Politics

The recent massive military drill in North Korea proved its leader Kim Jong-un going to the extreme with his paranoia, Radio Free Asia reported.

He is seen by many as a precarious leader driving himself as his own worst enemy, it said.

The report comes after the Global Times’ March 15 report that “North Korea conducted a massive drill to protect Kim Jong-un.”

The Global Times cited an anonymous source in reporting that the drill was conducted for the worst case scenario in mind _ meaning Kim’s death.

The source added that maintaining the Baekdu bloodline, meaning ensuring Kim’s safety at all cost, is their top priority.

Kim Jong-un is reportedly on edge since the purge of his uncle Jang Song-thaek and the “ongoing process of cutting Chang’s close ties.”

The public is increasingly turning against the immoral 30-year-old who killed his own uncle, and Kim allegedly knows it, according to RFA.

And the succeeding purge of high-ranking officials might have an adverse effect of Kim’s intention, it explained.

Kim wants to start with his slate clean, but at the same time he worries that a coup might erupt as the high-ranking officials fear for their life wondering “Who is next? It could be me,” the report explained. The Korea Times

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