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[Indonesia Report] Eighth anniversary of tsunami observed

Tsunami hits Aceh Province of Indonesia in 2004 (Photo:

December 26 2012  is exactly 8 years after tsunami hit Aceh Province in Indonesia and other countries in South Asia.

The 2004 tsunami reportedly claimed some 230,000 lives of whom around 167,000 died in Indonesia alone.

The devastating tragedy still remains vividly in the mind of the survivors and all Indonesians. A ceremony to mark the eighth anniversary of Aceh tsunami was held in Aceh’s Malahayati Port.

Aceh Province Government asked citizen to fly the flag at half-staff to remember the victims of the tsunami that hit Aceh right after Christmas day in 2004.

According to’s report, M. Adami, Aceh’s Head of Culture and Tourism Department said that the commemoration was focused on Dhikr or Remembrance on Islam Prayer and festive with locals and orphans.

The event was also to thank the international world who helped support the people of Aceh and the region itself to be back stronger after the 2004 tsunami.

Malahayati Port, residential area and surrounding region were severely damaged by the tsunami, but now it was restored back to normal again due to international donors.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter

Meidyana Rayana

Indonesia, Intern Reporter, Graduate Student of Political Science and Economics at Korea University

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