
Two poems by Pooneh Nedai

Pooneh Nedai

Manama: In the ancient texts of Persian literature, the pigeon has different dimensions, but it always plays positive role in human beliefs.

Pooneh Nedai, Editor in chief of Shokaran magazine and publisher of Amrood Tehran, continues this tradition in her latest poem and sees the pigeon as a gentle source of pleasure, optimism and optimism despite the darkness dominating the sky.

Born in 1974 in Tehran, Pooneh studied English literature and became an iconic literary figure in Iran.

She has written several books of poetry in Persian. Three books of poetry were translated into Arabic, Armenian and Turkish and books of poetry have been published in Arabic and soon in German.

Besides being a prolific poet and writer, Pooneh has also worked as a journalist. She was founder, manager and editor-in-chief of Negah-e-Tazeh, a university-students’ journal. She is also a correspondent and editor-in-chief of art and literature of several news agencies and newspapers.


Two poems by Pooneh Nedai


I am thinking of a long sleep

Or resting forever

Without bedsore


What is human doing

In this alive body?


Creation of this earth,

This horrible corner,

Shouldn’t be easy

Creator might have cried much

For his dolls.


This corner,

This secure bed

Is it worthy for the body?!


Maybe the soul,

Has bedsore.


I wish my long sleep

Multiplies in short sleep of earth

I wish the sore

Converts to a worthy magma

To be seen!



I would like

To be pleased

By this pigeon

And trust its flying

Even if,

The sky is full of darkness

Or the bird is made of paper

Even if,

I am the far copy of my true being

In the land

Where imagination

Has been forgotten!

The AsiaN Editor

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