Author: Meidyana Rayana
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Politik Kepresidenan Korea Selatan VS Amerika Serikat
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah berita dari America Serikat dan Korea Selatan Sekali dalam 20 tahun Amerika Serikat dan Korea Selatan melakukan pemilihan presiden bersamaan. Menurut John […]
International Students Festival of Korea University contributes to deepening understanding among foreign students
As world becomes smaller and smaller thanks to technological advance, people from other continents find themselves have easy access to each countries’ trends in cultures, music, lifestyle, following economics and political […]
The AsiaN hoped to grow as a media representing Asia & Middle East on occasion of its first founding anniversary
On Nov. 11, 2012, The AsiaN will celebrates its first anniversary of its foundation as an international news media. The AsiaN will add its significance to journalism world in Asia and Middle East since it […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Simposium Nuklir : Ketakutan Penggunaan Kekuatan Nuklir
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah ulasan mengenai penggunaan kekuatan nuklir sebagai sumber energi oleh Kepala Departemen Hubungan Masyarakat The AsiaN, Najwa Zahhar. Menurut beliau, sulit untuk menarik […]
[The AsiaN 1st Anniv] Message from Meidyana Rayana
Selamat Ulang Tahun yang Pertama untuk The AsiaN. Happy first Anniversary for The AsiaN. Hope that The AsiaN will be The Next News Network in the world and can compete […]
[Indonesia Report] Indonesian leaders welcome Obama’s reelection
Americans chose Barack Obama as their President for another 4 years. As a super power country, United States Presidential Election did not only effected American but also the rest of the world. […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Simposium Nuklir: Masa Depan Energi Nuklir di Timur Tengah
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah ulasan mengenai penggunaan kekuatan nuklir sebagai sumber energi oleh Ashraf Dali, Kepala Biro Timur Tengah The AsiaN. Menurut beliau, terlalu dini untuk […]
Foreign Student’s first experience of taking school exams in Korea
Mid Term Examination period officially ended for Korean university students. Many students must hope that their weeks of preparation for the exam would pay off. Cafes are turning into place for hanging […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Simposium Nuklir: Energi, Api Suci
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah ulasan mengenai penggunaan kekuatan nuklir sebagai sumber energi di Tunisia oleh Penasihat Konten The AsiaN, Saida Zoghbi. Menurut Zoghbi, masalah yang dihadapi […]
[Indonesia Report] Rafflesia Patma, a giant flower, blooms at Bogor Botanical Garden in Indonesia
One of Indonesian unique flower, Rafflesia Patma, recently blooms in Bogor Botanical Garden in Indonesia. Rafflesia Patma is a member of the genus Rafflesia that is known as the largest […]