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The AsiaN hoped to grow as a media representing Asia & Middle East on occasion of its first founding anniversary

On Nov. 11, 2012, The AsiaN will celebrates its first anniversary of its foundation as an international news media.

The AsiaN will add its significance to journalism world in Asia and Middle East since it would also launch its Arabic version following Korean, English and Chinese versions established earlier.

With international journalism being dominated by Western Media, The AsiaN has become a channel for world citizens to enable them to read regional stories written in  local perspectives.

Journalist from Asia and Middle East work together to contribute and provide credible stories and bring up issues at stakes for the world from local’s angle. Therefore The AsiaN can reveal the true voice of people involved in the issues.

Each countries has its own relative culture and social background with its own priorities and interests, therefore presenting news from each sides would present balance information for the world readers.

As Asia grows economically, having more significant role in the international politics arena, many Western countries like the United States and Australia now shift their attention to Asia. Therefore having a strong independent news media based in Asia is important as a media to monitor the development and to keep the freedom of speech of Asians.

The focus of The AsiaN is to represent the voice of Asians and Middle East’s voice and their perspectives to the world.

Early November, journalists from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Kuwait who would work as Arabic staff for publishing Arabic version of The AsiaN came to The AsiaN’s headquarter in Seoul to discuss the major issues currently occuring in the region with an aim of better conveying what is taking place there to the people in Asia and Middle East regions often being overlooked by international media.

As it grows wider in coverage, The AsiaN hopes to cover more local issues that are significant and important for the international world and to reach wider readers in the world.

Happy First Birthday to The AsiaN and hope that the mission of conveying local people’s voice and aspirations to the world could be accomplished.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

Meidyana Rayana

Indonesia, Intern Reporter, Graduate Student of Political Science and Economics at Korea University

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