[Indonesia Report] Indonesian leaders welcome Obama’s reelection

Americans chose Barack Obama as their President for another 4 years. As a super power country, United States Presidential Election did not only effected American but also the rest of the world.
Obama’s reelection for his second term brought positive response from Indonesia. Local mass medias reported reactions of Indonesian leaders and analysts to comment on Obama’s reelection.
Gatranews.com published an interview with Indonesia Science Institute Analyst, Siti Zuhroh, in Jakarta, in which Zuhroh said he believes that Indonesian government has to use this event to review cooperative relationship between Indonesia and United States.
Tempo.com reported opinion from Indonesian International Law Analyst, Hikmahanto Juwono who said that the reelection would bring positive impact to Indonesia.
“Rather than Mitt Romney, Obama’s reelection has far better impact for Indonesia.” Juwono said.
Juwono, Indonesia University’s Professor, added that psychological linkage would make Obama to put Indonesia on its cooperation map of world’s countries cooperation.
Under Obama’s administration, Indonesia would be given partner’s role in solving a number of problems, such as Israel-Iran conflict, Rohingya, and ASEAN.
But in defense field, Juwono predicted that Indonesia – US cooperation would not have significant change.
Juwono also mentioned that about human rights issues, US would not say much about Indonesian human rights issues because Obama administration realizes that the problem comes not from Indonesian authority’s incompetence but because of horizontal conflicts.
Juwono also said that Obama might also uses this occasion to help US economics problem and renegotiate US Company’s cooperation contract in Indonesia, for instant, PT. Freeprot in Papua.
PT. Freeport operates world’s largest copper and gold mines. Despite of being Indonesia’s largest tax payer, PT. Freeport has long been a target of Indonesian concern of US company’s exploitation of Indonesia natural resources. Last year, PT. Freeport faced with labor strikes demanding a wage raise that stopped the mine operation for 3 months.
Juwono said that Obama’s persuasive character is more productive in solving conflicts in Islam countries rather than a tough method to be pursued by Romney.
While other Indonesian leader think that the Obama’s reelection is not significant for Indonesian. Indonesian Head of House Representatives Commission I, Mahfudz Siddiq, told Sindonews.com that Obama’s reelection would not bring any significant effect to Indonesia. Siddiq said that US attention to Indonesia is only a consequence of its shifting of focus to Asia and Obama’s real focus would be on US domestic issues.
Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia