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International Students Festival of Korea University contributes to deepening understanding among foreign students

Card Passport to collect stickers that participant gets from each booths to win a gift (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

As world becomes smaller and smaller thanks to technological advance, people from other continents find themselves have easy access to each countries’ trends in cultures, music, lifestyle, following economics and political development. Time and space’ boundaries are gone through access of Internet.

It becomes easier for people to travel around the world. To celebrate the unity in diversity, Korea University held an International Student Festival in its main campus in Anam, Seoul on Wednesday (November 7).

Korea University as one of Korea’s best universities, each semester attracts many foreigners from around the world.

Many International Students from Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and America are coming to learn and experience life in Korea.

A student taking picture with Norwegian masterpiece replica, The Scream by Edvard Munch (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

Therefore, KU established a program called Korea University Buddy Assistant (KUBA), which is a buddy program for its International Students.

A buddy would accompanies a number of foreign students, to assist them on how to adapt and get to know Korea better as well as exchanging knowledge such as foreign languages between Korean and International students.

The ISF is an annual festival held by KUBA in which foreign students open booths of their countries showing their peculiar dances and other cultural activities.

Mexican Dance in Mexico Booth, KU ISF (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

This year as before, in each booth, foreign students and their buddies presented each nation’s cultures such as foods, ornaments, and quizzes about the knowledge of their home countries.

This year, there were as many as 29 booths of different countries. They were Italy, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Argentina, Vietnam, Singapore, France, Austria, Brazil, Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, South Korea, Sweden, Nigeria, Turkey, Mexico, Netherland, Norway, Mongolia, Brunei Darussalam, and Ukraine.

Bamboo Dance, a game offered at Vietnam Booth in KU ISF (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

Each booths presented different traditional foods from their countries.  Nigeria booth offered

to try the spicy chicken and beef barbecue, Taiwan booth served their famous bubble tea, France had wine, and Turkey with their delicious Kebab.

The Festival was open for everyone. A lot of local and foreign students as well as high school students joined the ISF.

The event organizer gave a card filled with flags of each booth’s countries, and people had to do game in each booths in order to collect stickers for the card for a gift.

Argentinian Students with their national football team's uniform at KU ISF's fashion show runway (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

There were various of games too.  Austrian booth had classical music quiz, Spain had football game, Norway had dart game, other booths had angry bird game, and Vietnam booth had a bamboo dance challenge.

International Students Event like this has an effect of bringing Korean and Foreign Students closer together, giving them chances to get to know each other and  enjoying and admiring each other’s culture and beauty.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

Meidyana Rayana

Indonesia, Intern Reporter, Graduate Student of Political Science and Economics at Korea University

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