East AsiaWest AsiaSocietyColumnAJA Statement

Moroccan writers’ union is the first Arabic institute to sign a memorandum of understanding with AJA and the AsiaN

As part of the Moroccan/Asian relations, the president of the Moroccan writers’ union Abderrhim Allam signed a memorandum of agreement earlier this month, between the Moroccan writers’ union and AJA association and TheAsianN, in South Korea.

Allam visited South Korea after receiving a personal invitation from the head of TheAsiaN, Lee Sang Ki, to attend events of marking the beginning of the Arabic version of TheAsian. Arabic Version is managed by Ashraf Aboul Yazid, to join the website in another language besides English, Korean, and Chinese.

The memorandum seeks to deepen the relations between journalists and Intellectuals of morocco and their Korean peers in a specific way and Asians in a general way. Through the website in all of its versions, and other mediums, they’re hoping that the website could introduce the Moroccan culture to the Asian community and readers.

Lee Sang Ki hopes that this memorandum would be the first of many others ties with institutions and organizations in the Middle East and the Arabic world.

The AsiaN Editor


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