South East Asia

Leave the dark memories behind, get on with life


By Eddy Suprapto 
Contributor to AsiaN

Jakarta: 2020 has a double meaning in celebrating the transition of the New Year of Christ and the Chinese New Year.

At least there are prayer, hope, and optimism that need to be built in 2020 to be more successful.

We have left 2019, meaning that we have entered a new phase of our life journey for the next 366 days, namely the New Year 2020. All the ups and downs of our lives that have been passed a year before can be used as a material for reflection towards a new life struggle in 2020.

Various kinds of challenges we are ready to face in the political, social, cultural, economic spheres. We should be sensitive to the situation that is changing rapidly due to the development of science.

According to President Jokowi, the Indonesian people should be grateful for being able to pass 2019 that was full of challenges and tests well. According to him, 2020 will be full of challenges and opportunities.

“But I believe with optimism, with our hard work and our big capital, harmony, our unity as a great nation, I believe, God willing, later in 2020 will be better than in previous years,” President Jokowi said.

While for Christians, all hopes expressed in life through the national Christmas message of 2019, want harmony in the life of the nation and state to succeed in national development towards an advanced Indonesia.

Chinese New Year

The New Year BC is also accompanied by the Chinese New Year on January 25. The Chinese dating system is used by ethnic Chinese throughout the world. Chinese New Year is synonymous with shades of red and gold.

There are many interesting things about the Chinese New Year in 2571, including the gift of envelope meaning money, fireworks celebrations, lion dance, trinkets in red, to Chinese New Year greetings namely Gong Xi Fa Cai. The words Gong Xi Fa Cai mean prayer for happiness and well-being.

In addition to Gong Xi Fa Cai, there are also other Chinese New Year sayings, such as Fú lù shòu, Gng hè xn x, wàn shì rúyì, Gng hè xn x, and so forth. In essence, all the Chinese words have a meaning of prayer and goodness for all.

Let’s welcome the exciting New Year 2020 with optimism and keep fighting for humanity. Hopefully the coming year is full of happiness and prosperity. Hopefully in this New Year, we have the opportunity to realize dreams, love like there is no tomorrow, and smile unconditionally.

According to the Chinese words of wisdom, “Leave gloomy memories of the past and look forward to a blessed new start in 2020 for the Chinese calendar 2571.”

Eddy Suprapto

Freelance journalist, developer of IPTV in Indonesia. Vice president of AJA

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