
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain praise elimination of Daesh leader

Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa

By Habib Toumi

Manama: Saudi Arabia has welcomed the death of the leader of the Daesh Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, explaining that the terror group had distorted the true image of Islam and Muslims around the world and committed atrocities and crimes that contradict the most basic human values in many countries including the Kingdom.

A spokesperson for the Saudi foreign ministry said that his government has followed up the announcement by US President Donald Trump of the success of efforts to pursue and eliminate Al Baghdadi.

“The Saudi government appreciates the great efforts of the US administration in pursuing the members of this dangerous terrorist organization,” the spokesperson said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is continuing its efforts with its allies, led by the United States of America, in combating terrorism, drying up its sources and confronting its dangerous criminal ideology.”

In neighboring Bahrain, Foreign Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa said that “the killing of the criminal Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is a serious blow to the Daesh terror group.”

“We hail our brothers and allies for their efforts and success in locating and eliminating him,” he tweeted to his 530,000 followers on the social microblog.

Habib Toumi

Editor - AsiaN English habibtoumi@gmail.com

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