Tag: aceh
Once upon a time in Aceh – Notes on the release of hostages
By Eddy Suprapto, Chairman Alliance of independent journalists 2003-2005 Editor in Chief RCTI 2014-2016 JAKARTA: Post-reform, there are a number of things in the political field that deserve an important […]
[World Report] Scientists: Indo-Autralian plate boundary may be breaking up
Nature Journal on Wednesday (Sept 26) published three papers on scientists finding of hint of new tectonic plate boundary. A pair of earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean on […]
[Indonesia Report] Endangered Sumatran elephant gives birth to a female baby
An endanger Sumatran Elephant gave birth to a female calf on early morning of Tuesday (Sept. 28) at Conservation Response Unit Sampoiniet in Aceh Jaya, Aceh. Suci, a trained Sumatran […]