The AsiaN’s Chinese edition opens on May 11

All, News, Society

The AsiaN has started publishing the Chinese edition ( on the occasion of its half year founding anniversary which fell on Friday (May 11). This is the third following the Korean and English editions. 

We are ready to provide a variety of stories and columns on political, economic, military, social, culture and  history in a way of meeting the taste of Chinese-speaking readers across the world.

The Chinese edition is provided with both in Chinese and Korean for the convenience of both Chinese-speaking readers who want to study Korean and Korean readers hoping to learn Chinese.

We chose the story on the survey of 50 Asian journalists as the top story in the inaugural issue of the Chinese edition. In the survey conducted recently by The AsiaN on the occasion of its half-year anniversary, the journalists selected Chinese President Hu Jintao as the most influential figure in Asia.

Al-kuwaitiah, a Kuwaiti daily, carried a story Friday about the beginning of our Chinese edition and half-year founding anniversity of The AsiaN.

Al-rai, a Kuwaiti daily, also carried an article about the AsiaN on 14 May, with photos of  UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi, Editor of Al-Arabi Magagine Ashraf Dali.

The AsiaN reports a wide variety of news of Asian village from the perspective of Asia, using about 150  journalists of some 50 countries affiliated to the Asia Journalist Association (AJA) as its writers. The AsiaN pursues the only and the best contents in a way that has never been tried before.


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