[China Now] Kimchi museum attracts Chinese attention

All, Opinion, Wang Xuan - China Now

Chinese journalist Yao Quilin of Xinhua carried a brief story on the People’s Daily Online with a title “Kimchi Museum in Seoul, South Korea” on Apr. 05, 2012. His stroy reflected a great interest of Chinese media in Korea’s traditional food culture. 

People taste various types of kimchi at Kimchi Museum in Seoul. (photo: www.news.cn)

Chinese journalists visited Kimchi Museum in Seoul on Apr. 4, 2012 and looked around it taking pictures of various kind of Kimchi. They also enjoyed having taste of many kind of kimchi exhibited in the museum. They have come to know the fact that kimchi represents the traditional food culture of Korea. Holding that kind of exhibition was greatly helpful in disseminating the taste of kimchi to foreigners, they said. So many foreigners could be found in the museum and it must have been a good occasion to spread the way of kimchi making to foreign countries, according to Chinese journalists. 

People look at the models of kimchi displayed at the Kimchi Museum in Seoul, South Korea. (photo: www.news.cn)



  • I’m an intern this suemmr on Sam Yoon’s mayoral campaign in Boston. As you know, Sam, of Korean heritage, is vying to become the first Asian-American mayor of Boston. Would you be willing to post an article about Sam’s campaign or a blog entry I’ve written about my experiences on the campaign so far? Please email me when you get a chance. Thanks. Sagar

  • white rice isn’t health ?This is connsuifg:Because they ate anything it was obvious that some things became healthy when you could eat them or you would say everything is healthy in comparison.So now in Korea, everything is healthy : add this colon

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