Strange ‌events in Tehran-Kiev plane crash

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By Alireza Bahrami

Tehran: The crash of a Ukrainian plane that left Tehran for Kiev last Wednesday morning but crashed was accompanied by strange and sometimes interesting events.

The flight came shortly after Iran’s military strike on the US military base in Iraq. As the plane crashed near Tehran shortly after takeoff, it was first thought that US forces had invaded Iran. It was then announced that the crash was due to a technical failure. The Iranian government then admitted that the plane had been shot down by Iranian air defenses. Afterwards, the role of the cyber war in the incident was discussed.



One of the passengers on the plane, who was an Iranian graduate from Canada, wrote a humorous tweet to Iranian nationals shortly before his flight: “War is going to begin at the time of my flight, forgive me.” He passed away a few minutes later. He had no idea that the war had actually begun before and he would be sacrificed.

A passenger missed this flight. Arriving in Tehran from a city in the north of the country to board the plane, he was stopped by police due to high speed on the road.

The police found that the car had numerous violations and then seized the car and thus prevented the passenger from flying. The passenger who was very angry, was very grateful for the police officer’s work the morning after.

Some of the passengers on the flight were Iranian elite alumni who had become Canadian citizens. They were returning from New Year’s holidays.



The presence of more than 60 Iranian-Canadian passengers on their way to Canada caused the next flight to have many empty seats due to the previous flight crash.

The Canadian government is having trouble following up the incident because of diplomatic breakdown with Iran over the past few years. This has prompted Canadian media to criticize the government.

Two of the passengers on the flight traveled to Iran for a wedding alongside their relatives. They had been married five days earlier in Tehran. A number of photos of their weddings were seen at the crash site.

Another passenger had also traveled to Tehran for his wedding and was traveling to Canada with his wife to their new house.



A number of passengers on the flight were leaving the country because of the possibility of war. The wife and daughter of a young Iranian writer who had been living in Canada for several years were also returning from New Year’s holidays.

This disaster saddened many Iranians. Afghans, Ukrainians and other Europeans were also on the flight.