Central Asia
Constitutional Reforms in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan pushes forward as long-awaited political changes finally occur, which is something new for the region. The change in power in neighboring Uzbekistan in 2016 accelerated the politicization process in Kazakhstan. Thus, discussions on amendments to the constitution and re-distribution of power emerged on the agenda. These processes can be…
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East Asia
Success of Korean people
I think that the corruption scandal in South Korea, which is a model country in the Asian region, will controversial consequences for the image of the country abroad. First, it shows that how strongly Korean people, national courts, media and opposition parties deal with corruption case despite the highest rank…
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Central Asia
Embracing Cultural Approaches to the Integration of Central Asia
Many things have been said by local and foreign experts about the importance or necessity of integration in Central Asia. One should underline several factors could be used in national or inter-regional politics, aimed at new rapprochement in the region. First, we would like to point out common cultural and…
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Central Asia
Syria peace talks in Astana : A new period starts
In summer, 2016 Kazakhstan competently mediated in ending political crisis related to Turkey’s downing of Russian warplane. The diplomatic efforts, intuitively made by Astana to reconcile Russia and Turkey, were made for avoiding the undesirable repercussions of the diplomatic strains between major strategic partners of Kazakhstan. Few people knew that…
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