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Poem dedicated to two women handpicked by The AsiaN as 2012 Asians of the year

When I got the names of  Aung San Suu Kyi(Myanmar) and Malala Yousafzai(Pakistan) to be 2012 Asian of the Year I was watching Egyptian women at Tahrir Square, Cairo, cutting their hair, as a sign of showing opposition to the new constitution approved by the radical government in Egypt. Our country has been giving birth to women who shared men in building the country for more than 5000 years, as queens, doctors, teachers, activists, lawyers, workers, and farmers. I wonder why radical MB and Salafists are united to deprive women of their rights! Could anyone imagine a world without women sharing in development, a family without mothers, wives, sisters and daughters giving love and devoting their lives for duties, or a song without an inspiring soul?

This poem is dedicated for the 2 women nominated by The AsiaN as 2012 Asian of the Year, and for all of the world women:

                                                          The white Gold

                                                                         To Malala & Aung San

Whether she is young, or she is old,
The moon is always the white gold,
It shall shine, when dark is bold,
To light it fine, as Sun is sold.

As young as was a blossom,
Aung San lost her father-dom,
Life was not easy for her sum,
But she activated like an atom.

Against the army she was the one,
Abandoned from husband and her son,
But faith kept her alive all the run,
A world ideal, for man and woman.

Dear Malala, dear my daughter,
the song of Allah, the almighty creator,
You are the free winds and water,
So fly and raise the land of a dreamer.

Malala  is the alphabet of a brave heart,
A symbol of light, from the start,
Our prayers are written in every part,
And shall be remembered in a school chart.

Whether she is young, or she is old,
The moon is always the white gold,
It shall shine, when dark is bold,
To light it fine, as Sun is sold.

Ashraf Dali

Editor-in-Chief, the Silk Road Literature, Asia Journalist Association President

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