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Message from the UN Secretary General

It gives me pleasure to convey greeting to the Asia Journalist Association on the launch of AsiaN.

This new on-line news service begins work at a time when Asia has emerged as one of the new leaders of the global economy. The region’s prosperity and investment around the world continue to lift missions of people out of poverty. Indeed, the world’s progress to date in meeting the Millennium Development Goals owes much to what is happening in the diverse and dynamic countries of Asia.

Of course, Asia N also enters a world facing an increasingly complex set of realities, from joblessness and inequality to the increasing dangers of climate change. Our collective challenge is to forge a common agenda that can help ensure a world of sustainable peace, prosperity, freedom and justice for all.

Media plays a crucial role. When governments repress their people and shield themselves from scrutiny, press freedom is a powerful vehicle for exposing misdeeds and upholding public trust. When people face discrimination and marginalization, access to media can raise awareness of their plight. And in an era of pressing global challenges, the free exchange of information and ideas through the media can connect people and countries in networks of common cause.

I welcome the intent of Asia N to provide accurate and timely news coverage not only of Asia, but of the United Nations and its global mission. An Asia N that upholds the highest standards of jounalism and gives voice to a plurarity of views can make a valuable contribution. Please accept my best wishes for success.

The Secretary-General

Ban Ki-moon.


Message form the UN Secretary General

Ban Ki-moon

Korea, UN Secretary General

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