West Asia

Members Of “Welcome To Palestine” Stage Anti-Israel Protest

Foreign activists, members of the international movement “Welcome to Palestine”chant anti-Israel slogans from inside the Police vehicle after been arrested for approaching the Israeli embassy, in solidarity with the Palestinians during a protest in front of the Israeli embassy, in Amman, Jordan, Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012.

Foreign activists, members of the international movement “Welcome to Palestine”chant anti-Israel slogans in solidarity with the Palestinians during a protest in front of the Israeli embassy, in Amman, Jordan, Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. The members of the movement were denied access to the West Bank by the Israelis last week. Arrests were made among the activists by the Jordanian police for approaching the Israeli embassy from a back street, and they were released within half hour. <AP/NEWSis>


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