By Ashraf Aboul-Yazid
President, Asia Journalists Association
CAIRO: “WOW World Literary Prize” (the Prize) was established by the “World Organization of Writers” (WOW), the successor to the literary prize “Golden LIffT” – 2016-2023. Co-founders of the Prize are the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, the Pan-African Association of Writers PAWA, and the LIFFT Foundation for the Promotion of Cultural Projects of the Eurasian Peoples.
The founder of the Prize organizes the awarding of the Prize and bears all expenses associated with the payment of the monetary part of the Prize, the production of award sets, their ceremonial presentation and the organization of the work of the Prize bodies.
“WOW World Literary Prize” was established with the aim of finding and encouraging authors of literary works who can make a significant contribution to world literature on the basis of spiritual and moral values common to all peoples, as the main strategic resource for sustainable and safe human existence and development.
The prize is awarded annually. The announcement of the Award is made by the founder of the “WOW World Literary Prize” through the media.
The announcement specifies the procedure and conditions for nominating works for the Prize, the criteria and procedure for evaluating works, the size and form of the award, the procedure and timing for announcing laureates and recipients of the Prize.
Works written in Russian, English, Spanish and Arabic and translations are nominated for the Prize. Works in two categories can be nominated for the Prize: poetry and prose. The Prize does not establish restrictions for authors of works based on age, citizenship, place of residence and place of publication of works. The prize is awarded for works written during the writer’s life. The prize may also be awarded for an unpublished work.
The number of prizes, the amount of their monetary part, the size of the bonus fund and the address for accepting works and nomination documents are established by the founder of the prize annually and are announced before the start of accepting works. Regulations on the Prize are published in the media and on the official website of the Prize.
The procedure for nominating works for the prize “World Literary Award WOW”
The right to nominate a book for the “WOW Award” belongs to the author (authors) of the work and book publishing houses. Authors writing in Russian, English, Spanish, Arabic or translated into these languages have the right to nominate a book for the “WOW Award”.
When nominating for the “WOW Award”, the following materials are provided: Book or magazine publication of a work in electronic form; information about the nominator – the author, or the organization nominating the work for the “WOW Prize” – the necessary contact numbers and addresses; a short creative biography of the author (all co-authors, if the work was written in co-authorship), indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, pseudonym (if any), a list of the most significant publications (if any), a review of the book; the full title of the work, basic information about the work, its creative features, with the motivation for its nomination; written consent of the author to nominate a work for the “WOW Prize” if the nominator is not the author of the work; all specified documents are provided electronically to; marked for competition “WOW Award”,
Appendix No. 1,
Appendix No. 3,
Appendix No. 4,
In the absence of a complete package of materials in accordance with the organizing committee of the “WOW Award” has the right to withdraw the work from consideration; books nominated for the “WOW Prize”, after checking compliance with the requirements, are registered with the Prize secretariat and receive registration numbers; the works are accepted с 1.12.2023 г. – 1.03.2024 г.
Special award of the WOW Award – “WOW-LIFFT” (Ascension)
The author of the work has the right to nominate a manuscript for the “WOW-LIFFT” competition. Authors writing in Russian, English, Spanish, Arabic or translated into these languages have the right to nominate a manuscript for the “WOW-LIFFT” competition. Manuscripts are accepted in two categories: “Poetry”: up to 32 lines, “Prose”: up to 2000 characters (short prose or excerpt from a work).
In nominations 3.1, 3.2, works on any topic are accepted, with the exception of those containing political, religious and other kinds of propaganda, calls for national hatred, violating copyright. When nominating for “WOW-LIFFT”, the following materials are provided: Manuscript in electronic form in pdf format; a short creative biography of the author indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, pseudonym (if any); the full title of the work, basic information about the work, its creative features, with the motivation for its nomination; all of the above documents are provided electronically to; with the mark – for the competition “WOW-LIFFT” (Ascension)“,
Appendix No. 2,
Appendix No. 3,
In the absence of a complete package of materials, the award organizing committee has the right to withdraw the work from consideration; all works nominated for “WOW-LIFFT” competition, after checking compliance with the requirements, are registered with the Prize secretariat and receive registration numbers; Works nominated for the “WOW-LIFFT” competition are not reviewed, and correspondence with the authors is not conducted; the works are accepted с 1.12.2023 г. – 1.03.2024 г.
AWARDS of World Literary Award “WOW”
In four language groups, three works are selected in the “Poetry” nomination and in the “Prose” nomination: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. There are 24 authors in total. It’s a long list of finalists. Authors who are awarded first place in the language group in the Poetry nomination and in the Prose nomination reach the finals. There are 8 authors in total. This is a short list of finalists. “WOW” Award – awarded to one of 8 authors. Seven authors become award winners.
The “WOW” award is a gold medal, a cash prize and a book publishing agreement. Diploma recipients (7 authors in total) – these are 3 large silver medals and a contract for the publication of a book; 4 silver medals and a contract for the publication of a book. The authors included in the long list of the award are the Diploma of the second and third degree of the “WOW” Award. The award ceremony will take place as part of the VII World Literary Festival “WOW-LIFFT-2024” – April 4-6, 2024 in Nigeria, Abuja.
Special award of the WOW Award – “WOW-LIFFT” (Ascension)
In four language groups, three works are selected in the “Poetry” nomination and in the “Prose” nomination: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. There are 24 authors in total. This is a long list of “WOW-LIFFT” finalists. Authors who are awarded first place in the language group in the Poetry nomination and in the Prose nomination reach the finals. There are 8 authors in total.
This is a short list of finalists. Special award “WOW-LIFFT” – awarded to one of 8 authors. 7 authors become WOW-LIFFT diploma winners. The special award “WOW-LIFFT” (1 author) is a small gold medal and a contract for the publication of a book. Diploma recipients of “WOW-LIFFT” (7 authors) – this is a first-degree Diploma of “WOW-LIFFT” and publication in a collection of works by short-listed authors.
The authors included in the long list are the Diploma of the second and third degree and publications in the Egyptian magazine “Silk Road” and in the magazine “WOW-LIFFT”. The award ceremony will take place as part of the VII World Literary Festival “WOW-LIFFT-2024” – April 4-6, 2024 in Nigeria, Abuja.
Jury of the WOW Award
The coordinator and members of the “WOW Award” Jury are appointed by the Founder of the “WOW Award” represented by the “WOW” Board: the Chairman and members of the Board. The coordinator of the “WOW Award” forms the secretariat of the selection committee in 4 language groups. For jury, the presiding commission of the jury, by decision of the founder of the “WOW Prize,” includes 4 writers from among the WOW Prize Laureates (Golden LIffT-2016-2023); they also head 4 language groups (Russian, English, Spanish and Arabic) and form groups of 5 jury members in each language group. The chairman and members of the Board of Trustees, the chairman and members of the Supreme Creative Council of WOW, the chairman and members of the Board of “WOW” are invited to the final vote.
Email of Submissions: