Chidren of sex workers dream of bright future

*Editor’s note: This is a follow-up of the earlier story by the writer about the children of prostitutes working at the Kandapara brothel in Bangladesh, who are being sheltered and educated at a nearby children’s home.
Tales of deprived children of Quisbari
Payel , a ten-year-old girl, is crying inside while playing the violin putting under the jaw, bowing with right hand and fingering with the left. The downbow stokes create the sad tunes as if she is bringing on the strings waves of pains out of her small vibrating heart .
Sheltered in a children home in a Tangail village, Payel, with a pair of bright eyes on a gloomy face, vividly understands her pain that had inflicted into her tiny heart in the Kandapara brothel, the second biggest in Bangladesh, where her mother Dalia in the thirties is engaged as a registered sex worker.

Music teacher Mizanuar Rahman finds Payel, very eager and sincere in learning the primary stage of international staff notation that she has been practicing for last three months showing better performance than seven other learners of her group.
Payel, growing taller than her age, wants to fly high above the sky taking the profession of an airhostess. “When I shall be able to earn, I must bring my mother out of the hell of Kandapara and keep her with me”, Payel hopes for the future saying that she disliked mother’s disgraceful life but feels pitty for the woman who gave birth to her. Payel feels happy that her mother frequently visits her at the children’s home and brings anything she likes – some foodstuff, wears or a small gift.
Payel is one of the 100 children, including 50 girls, who have been brought out of the red light area and rehabilitated in Sonar Bangla Children’s Home in a rural setting in Quisbari under Tangail district, about 110 kilometers away from Bangladesh’s capital city of Dhaka.
“Here in our home, we not only provide the children with shelter and food but the basis education and training on different trades and skills so that they grow as self-reliant earning members of the society” said Sakia Islam Saki, Principal of Sonar Bangla Children Homes, a project run by a national NGO, Society for Social Service (SSS).

The organisation provides medical care to children with a physician visiting the home every week. There is also an arrangement to transfer any sick inmate to district hospital, 10 kilometers far from the home, any time on emergency situation.
Merina Islam and Kaniz Rabia, both full-time teacher residing on the campus along with the children say “the boys and girls – all of about 4 to 15 years of age group – appear to be more vibrant but sentimental than average normal family children. These underprivileged children learn quickly, love their fellow inmates eagerly and they also quarrel on childish matters but calm down very quickly soon the seniors interfere.”
“Apart from imparting formal education and behavioral training, we are developing their inherent talents by offering extracurricular courses like music, both vocal and instrumental, dance, drama, recitation and sports under guidance of qualified teachers.” said SSS Executive Director Abdul Hamid Bhuiyan.
Meanwhile, sports and cultural talents from Sonar Bangla Children homes took part in many of the district and national level events and competitions earning fame for their teachers and the NGO itself.
This week, a five-member karate team, including two girls, led by a teacher from Sonar Bangla Cildren Home is participating in the International School Karate Competition being held in Nepal .
“If opportunities provided, they can hit the globe”
On a visit to Bangladesh, a Japanese Orchestra team recently found the cultural groups at SSS children homes in Tangail most talented and prospective. They offered technical help with instrument and international notation scripts to develop the young violin players at global standard. Japanese team is also making frequent visits to evaluate the performance of Quisbari children.
“If properly nourished and opportunities provided to the underprivileged children, they can hit the globe and reach the sky” said an always optimist Abdul Hamid Bhuiyan, the source sf inspiration behind the SSS.

He said the Society for Social Service has been working with the poor, destitute, and disadvantaged people as well as the deprived children for last two and a half decades.
Established in 1986, as a nongovernmental development organisation, SSS is receiving donation and funding support from different national and international donors and micro-finance institutions .
However, SSS is now implementing some of its projects with its own funding. SSS is gradually turning into a self-reliant organisation by revolving the credit and getting involved in income earning programs.
One thought on “Chidren of sex workers dream of bright future”
There’s no difference of ability on Children among the countries. There’s only impolite Prejudice of developed countries.