South East Asia

Duterte optimism of 2019



Pres. Rodrigo Duterte expressed that 2019 will be a better year for the Philippines, as he encouraged Filipinos to “learn from the past” so that the nation can move forward confidently. He made this message as the Office released his official statement to media last Jan. 1, 2019. Duterte called on all Filipinos to support him as he continues to solve the country’s problem on drugs, criminality and corruption. These were the three promises that he made during the electoral campaign in 2016 that saw him rise and eventually win the presidency.

The war on drugs has been a central piece of Duterte’s administration, with the arrests of thousands of drug peddlers and users, and the confiscation of billions pesos worth of illegal drugs, mostly the one called “shabu” or the poor man’s heroin. However, the war on drugs has also been linked to allegations of extrajudicial killings.
According to data released by the Philippine National Police, criminality has been reduced by almost 30% since the start of the presidency of Duterte. They attribute this to the successful campaign against illegal drugs.

Duterte is also known as a strong leader against corruption. He has previously fired several cabinet officials and other high-ranking government officers, when they are accused of corruption. Recently he has instructed the Philippine Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate at least three Cabinet Secretaries and a dozen senior-ranking officials. With mid-term election happening in May 2019, Duterte shared his confidence that the Philippines will can “triumph over any struggles” that the nation may face. Retaining his “high favor” rating from poll surveys, many Filipinos continue to share this sentiment.



Alin Ferrer

Philippines, Public service media practitioner, radio anchor/ broadcaster

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