Tag: islam
Fethullah Gulen: Islam is Compatible with Democracy, Despite Turkey’s Recent Example
The original article was published on Le Monde («L’échec de l’expérience démocratique turque n’est pas dû à l’adhésion aux valeurs islamiques mais à leur trahison») on February 25, 2019, by […]
Turning to Religion: Indonesia’s Widodo Plays the Islamic Card
Back in late 2009, a former military colleague of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was asked whether Indonesia would see the emergence of a new and more dynamic leader now […]
The Various Festive Diary of Indi
Plundered for centuries, conquered multiple times, home to some of the oldest civilisations in the world, the birthplace of three major religions— Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism—India is a country that […]
Shirin Ebadi: 71 years as an activist
She lives in the hearts of the oppressed and in the minds of millions who are her admirers— she is Shirin Ebadi. People refer to her as the 2003 Nobel […]
Three Hotel Associations Signed an Agreement Allowing Muslim Employees to Wear Scarves
Following the pronouncement of Malaysia as an Islamic state almost three decades ago, many things changed within the national community: from lifestyles, cultures, and right up to an increasing awareness […]
Egypt jails Christian students for insulting Islam
Four Coptic Christian school students, ages 15 and 16, have been sentenced on Thursday 25th February by a Minya court to five years in jail on charges of contempt of […]
Afghan religious scholars issue fatwa against peace talks
Maulana Mufti Mehmood Zakiri, chief of the Ittehad-e-Ulema-e-Afghanistan, has issued a fatwa, declaring peace negotiations in the presence of foreign forces as “against Islamic injunctions”. “Americans want to force the […]
Marijuana laws take a new turn in Middle East
Recently Mexico became one of the few countries to legalize marijuana cultivation and possession, joining Bangladesh, Colombia, Uruguay, and others. But in some regions, most specifically the Middle East, there is a set […]
Christians and Muslims celebrate Christmas and Mawlid together
As the end of 2015 approaches, both Muslims are celebrating “Mawlid Al-Nabwi” and Christians celebrating Christmas at the same time. It can be apparent for example in this photo from […]
Prophet Muhammad’s birthday anniversary occurs for two times in 2015
“We’re witnessing a one of a kind phenomena that haven’t occurred for a long time, as prophet Muhammad’s birthday celebrations coincide with the birth of Christ (Christmas) for 2015”, said the […]