[Korea Report] Seoul National Science Museum enables children to learn about nature while enjoying

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Kindergarten students use microscopes in Seoul National Science Museum (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

Korea is known for its high level of educaiton among its people. A group of Korean high school students have won six gold medals to finish top for the first time at the 53rd International Mathematical Olympiad in Juy 2012.

The passion and awareness on education can be shown on the students determination and priority on getting into top universities in the country or abroad.

A children looks at a replica of dinosaur (Photo:Meidyana Rayana)

Koreans nurture the culture of education to their children since early age. In Korea’s Capital City, Seoul, lots of museums can be found, including science museum for children.

In Hyehwa, an area in Seoul City, there is Seoul National Science Museum. A science Museum that introduce science for childrean but also open for adult visitors.

Replica of dinosaur's eggs in Seoul National Science Museum (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

With an interesting room design, Seoul National Science Museum makes a field trip become much more fun for visitors.

Early this month (November), a group of 20 kindergarten students came with their teachers to visit the museum.

Through the visit, they had a lot of fun while learning how the universe works. In the 1st floor of the Museum, The children learned from why a certain level of sound can move water, how a helicopter’s propeller works, to how X-Ray works.

In the second floor, The kindergarten students can see the beauty of nature. They were so interesting on the aquarium section. They took notes like a professional junior journalist by drawing the objects that they saw, such as the fishes.

Dried Butterflies (Photo: Meidyana Rayana)

There were also a giant replica of dinasour, collection of fossils, and display of birds and butterflies.

The children also learned how to use microscope to see cells that can’t be seen by bare eyes.

After the second floor adventure, the children then ended it by going to the planetarium to see stars and planets.

Field trip to a museum offers a lot of fun for children while having them learn much of our nature.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

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