Central AsiaIT-ScienceWorld

Kazakhstan to produce fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants


The Chairman of the Board of the Kazakh Atomic Company ‘Kazatomprom’, Askar Zhumagaliev, and the Ukrainian Energy and Coal Industry Minister, Igor Nasalik, discussed possible supplies of nuclear fuel from Kazakhstan to Ukraine, Vestnik Kavkaza reports.

Production of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear reactors in Kazakhstan was the main topic of the meeting in Kiev.

Igor Nasalik said that Ukraine is aimed at diversification of nuclear fuel suppliers and interested in cooperation for fuel assembly production in Kazakhstan.

Askar Zhumagaliev, in turn, pointed on the interest in cooperation in this area considering Kazatomprom’s strategy on production diversification.

The sides agreed that a bilateral work group will study economic effectiveness of the project, Trend reports.

The AsiaN Editor


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