West AsiaColumnAJA Statement

[AJA Statement] Not Only Words, Actions Are Needed

AJA believes that condemning the Israel’s horrific military assault against humans and humanity in the Palestinian Strip of Gaza is no longer enough.

Words will not get back the lives of those killed, currently more than 1375, mostly from civilians, with over 250 Palestinian children, whom many of them were sheltering in schools; including the United Nations Refugee Agency School.

This collective punishment inflicted on the people of Gaza by the occupying State of Israel was not the first, and under the injustice world law would not be the last, if responsible world leaders did not agree that these assaults must stop, immediately.

The world media is covering the daily massacres helplessly, as journalists, photographers, and correspondents could not do but counting the death toll.

Leaving the occupying State of Israel without a punishment for its war crimes means there is no use of having the UN institutions seeking peace, and justice. It gives other insane powers to do further crimes.

We condemn the occupying State of Israel’s on-going siege on Gaza which has denied Palestinians their basic human rights for 7 years. The siege cuts Palestinians trapped in Gaza off from the outside world and severely limits basic supplies from entering such as food, safe water, educational equipment and medicine – making life intolerable for the 1.7 million people living there especially with the routinely cuts off Gaza’s electricity supply by the occupying State of Israel.

AJA statement is insisting to join honest world institutions to call for ending the Israeli assault on Gaza, lifting of the siege, ending occupation of Palestinian territories, boycotting of illegal settlements built by the occupation, disarming the the occupying State of Israel from its nuclear weapons, and applying the laws agreed upon which issued by the UN to stop the occupation forever.

1 Aug 2014
Asia Journalist Association

The AsiaN Editor


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