West AsiaColumn

“Arabic Peninsula enters the age of creativity and knowledge”

*Editor’s Note: The 12th ‘Al-Arabi’ Forum hosted by Al-Arabi magazine was held from Mar. 4 to 6 in Kuwait under the general of ‘Peninsula and the Arabic Gulf: Half Century of Cultural Renaissance.’ The forum has been called ‘a hub of Arabic culture,’ which could be a leading line to look into the authentic respects of Arab societies. Following is the opening address by Dr. Sulieman Al-Askri, Editor-in-Chief for Al Arabi magazine.

Fifty years ago, and year after, the name of this regions and its countries only was related to those looking for jobs, oil excavations, and a start to becoming an independent countries, looking for its Arabic identity confirmation and its Islamic civilization belonging.

But the last five decades witnessed dramatic geographic changes through the establishment of huge undeniable infrastructure, and other marks that show the changes that the Arabic Peninsula undergo.

Thus the Arabic Peninsula which was the origin of Arabic language, and where Islam came down on its people, became home of many aspects of modern life and new forms of literature and culture.

Now, in the region’s cities there are theatres, opera houses, Cinemas, and sport facilities that are used to host international games in all sports. In addition to, lining these cities whether by sea, land or air, or through the virtual space.

We also have cultural magazines that withstood the decreasing in reading rates, publishers who continue with their noble role in spreading knowledge, and universities that attract the best academic minds.

But I’m not talking about a Utopia, I’m talking about the environment in which today’s generations live which is different than it was fifty years ago.

This ocean of alive and generous culture wasn’t made by oil only, the man made it, your ideas and contributions are what enabled this huge step if you compare the achievements accomplished and the time it took to achieve it.

If the infrastructure could speak for itself, then the cultural and intellectual products of “Al Arabi” contributors speak for it too.

That production which surpassed the boundaries of the Arabic Peninsula, Gulf theatrical shows were performed in many festivals around the world, like the experience of the young director “Suliman Al-Basam”. Also, the works of many Gulf writers were nominated for international prizes like the work of the young writer “Saud Al-Sanousi”. These two are examples for those who introduced themselves and us in the best way, whether was it theatre, novel, poetry, drama, Cinema, or Art.

From here we should recognize the efforts of two generations behind this big change, the pioneer generation who led the cultural change phase which paved the road for the Arabic Peninsula to enter the age of creativity and knowledge. As we also take interest in the younger generation who took on the dream of the founders and are completing it.

For this purpose we dedicated ten reviewing sessions where contributors from over of 15 countries participate amongst them those Arabic visions, in these sessions, speakers try to read the current modern situation. We also give an in-depth image of writers and artists through certificates in Poetry, Novel, Theatre, Art, and Cinema. Also there would be a Poetry evening where some Gulf voices would present some of their works that depict the current poetry scene.

Speaking of what we have must not let us forget what challenges we face, as we consider that the soft power of the Arabic mind in this region has the power to face these challenges.

The world is keeping an eye on us to analyze us, as we are Arabic, Islamic, Asian nations, and all these are currently depicted in negative ways in the west, which doubles the effort to make better impressions, by looking for the problems and solving it, which is hard to do unless done one by one.

As these Arabic experiences getting out of the Arabic Peninsula to meet the world is considered a positive confrontation which we should support through national entities, whether private or governmental.

All these gulf voices move individually most of the times without support from an organization and in the absence of governmental care, while all these creative people are considered ambassadors for their countries.

And in the time that the big countries try to attract its people and others to attend their festivals and live in their cities, we are still separated from the world, which is becoming more vital to avoid because all the creative boundaries are gone. That’s why most of these people try to belong to other places outside of their countries to ensure freedom of creativity, at the same time; national entities suffer from struggles most of the time.

I also call all intellectuals and people of creation to work together in public for more cooperation for the benefit of mass Arab peoples.

I hope you’d allow me to speak in the name of all those creative people when I say, in the presence of Youth and Information and Heritage and Literature ministers, that they need support from you, the next challenge is bigger than the challenge of the formation phase, it’s the challenge of survival.

Dr. Sulaiman Ibrahim Al-Askari

Kuwait, Editor-in-chief of Al-Arabi magazine

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