
Senegalese Megastar Youssou N’Dour to Run for Presidency

Senegalese music star Youssou N’Dour(52) announced his candidacy for President of Senegal in the upcoming presidential election.

He is not just a singer in Senegal, he is a super star. <Time> magazine named him as one of its 100 Most Important people, quoting his humanitarian work, music talent and contributions to the cultures.

For decades, N’Dour performed his music around the world and he is going to swap his career music to politics.

N’Dour is going to challenge 11-year rule of incumbent President Abdoulaye Wade(85).

“For over 15 years, I’ve heard this buzz going on about me. Overwhelming majority of Senegalese people have asked Youssou N’dour to run as president. They want something new and I’m the moral” and “As I think that everything I represent comes from the people of Senegal, I answered ‘yes’. And I accepted to run the 2012 presidential election.” Youssou N’Dour said after a month of speculation.

Presidential election is in 2 months so the circumstances might not very good for N’Dour. However, there’s broad support in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal.

Senegal has a rather stable political situation in Africa without a military coup d’état.

Choi Sun-hwa

Choi Sun-hwa

The AsiaN Reporter

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