West Asia

Iranians Protest Against Publication of Anti-Islam Caliculture In French Weekly

Holding posters of Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, demonstrators chant slogans in front of the French Embassy in Tehran, Iran, Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012, during a protest the publication of caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad by a French satirical weekly. Dozens of Iranian students and clerics gathered outside the embassy and chanted “Death to France” and “Down with the U.S.” and burned the representation of the U.S. and Israeli flags Thursday. <AP/NEWSis>

Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest in front of French embassy in Tehran, Iran, on Sept. 20, 2012. A group of Iranian demonstrators gathered in front of the French embassy in Tehran on Thursday to protest the recent publication of cartoons of Prophet Mohammad in a French magazine. <Xinhua=Ahmad Halabisaz>


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