[Indonesia Report] 7 billion world population: Is it boon or bane?

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Danica May Cama, the baby that UN claimed as World's seven billionth on October 2011. (Photo: Philippine Daily Inquirer)

A century ago, world population was just about a billion. In October last year, it reached 7 billion in total. This rapid grow could be a celebration for some or a disaster for others living together on this planet.

People around the world celebrated the birth of the world’s seven billionth baby. Mass media in United States, Philippine and other countries reported on the birth of their countries’ babies that could possibly be the world’s seven billionth.

More people, more labors to support economic growth and longer life span with healthy old generation living together with young generation are a perfect picture of the world.

But as world reached its 7 billion population, concerns of how people would sustain living with growing population and exhaustible natural resources, are being raised.

Concerns of clean water, energy and food security are part of major  issues many governments have. Many ways are being considered by the government to effectivly cope with resouorces shortages and to protect people’s welfare.

So, would the world need more babies? This question will be answered with varing answers depends on which government you ask.

To control this booming population, each counltry is in need of keeping the balance of birth and mortality rate. It is crucial since it will effect country’s demographic, social, and economic changes.

Some countries try to increase their birth rate while some other try to decline. In China, government struggles with its world’s largest population number. They then came up with the one-child policy to try to resolve it. This policy recently brought about a controversy after Chinese officers forced a mother to abort her baby.

The United States, world’s third largest population following China and India, has different problem opposite of China. U.S. like other European countries and some Asian nations, is now facing the fall of birth rate.

In ASEAN countries that are home for one tenth of world’s population, birth rate is also an issue that concerns its governments. According to ASEAN Secretary report, the total population of ASEAN countries in 2010 were 598.5 million people or nearly twice as much as total U.S. population in the same year.

Indonesia ranked fourth in the population among the countries of the world due to its high birth rate. With more than 230 million population, Indonesian government issued a measure to control its population growth. The government initiated a Family Plan Program under which people are asked to have only two children for each family.

Meanwhile, the situation in Thailand having some 67 million population is quite opposite to that of Indonesia. Its birth rate is low standing only at 1.6 as of  2009.

In Singapore, its government is also trying to increase nation’s birth rate by providing its citizens with longer maternity leaves and cash incentives.

Malaysia also is trying to solve the decline of its birth rate that was dropped from 3.6 in 1990 to 2.6 in 2009. According to the report of ASEAN Community in Figure 2011, Malaysia’s total population stood at 29 million people in 2010. Malaysian government target is to reach 70 million populations by the year of 2100.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

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