
Kyung-In Women’s University: Dedication to excellence is palpable

The student wall at the university - A tribute to their dedication
The student wall at the university – A tribute to dedication and success

By Habib Toumi

KYUNG-IN, KOREA: University campuses are usually noisily loud. The mobiles, the music, the brouhaha when sharing jokes, the uproar in the neighborhood …

However, the campus of Kyung-In Women’s University (KIWU) is comfortably quiet and does not generate any noisy disturbance to the environment.

Serene, peaceful and committed. This is roughly how KIWU can be described.

The meticulously manicured lawns are dotted with stunning sculptures, the buildings are a testimony to cleanliness, the swimming pool is tempting, the bowling is inspiring, the students’ smiles are infectious … The dedication to excellence in success is palpable, visible everywhere, at every corner …

Standing at the front of a spacious room, Kyungok Park, spontaneous and confident, explained what made KIWU special and what the students could learn to acquire the skills that are crucial to access coveted jobs and prosper once inside.

As Director of International Affairs, she was sharing with the journalists coming from various countries the significance of the university in assisting students, both Koreans and foreigners, acquire the necessary skills to plan their careers, move ahead in the profession and fulfill their dreams.

Kyungok Park explains the merits of learning professional skills through practice
Kyungok Park explains the merits of learning professional skills through hands-on practice

Kyungok, who spent four years at the University of Birmingham for her PhD in Management (Business School), made the visiting journalists at ease at she guided them through the various departments and invited them to interact with the young students, initially surprised by the “intruders”, but eventually interacting with them.

KIWU was opened in February 1992 as Kyung-in Women’s College. Over the years, departments were added and in 2012, it was renamed Kyung-In Women’s University.

Special care was accorded since the launch to human qualities and professional knowledge.

Today, with new issues emerging, including more intense competition and the steady decline in the size of the school-age population, the university has worked out on a new plan and a roadmap for its own development and growth.

Through the plan, KIWU is seeking to develop as “a small but powerful learning institution that others will benchmark in all aspects including overall school and education system, administration, service, volunteer work, employment, facilities, and labs.”

The plan is overtly ambitious, but Kyungok believes it would materialize thanks to the devoted efforts of the university’s management, staff and students.

“Thanks to the implementation efforts of all KIWU members, with volition and passion, the development plan is beautifully blossoming into reality instead of remaining a mere plan.”

KIWU President Yook Dong In (right)
KIWU President Yook Dong In (right) highlights the university’s achievements and aspirations

To achieve the plan, KIWU is building on the vast experience accumulated by its president Yook Dong In, the 11th to hold the leading position since the university’s launch.

President Yook, a former columnist with Hankyung, has a positive record working for him. His portfolio that includes Director of the Office of Public Relations, Presidential Secretariat, President of CareerCare, President of MedPacto, Director of the Office of Public Relations, Presidential Secretariat, and Public Relations Officer, National Assembly Secretariat and Visiting Research Professor, Kangwon National University.

The university features six divisions and several departments.

The Division of Nursing & Welfare includes the departments of Nursing, Health Information & Administration, Human & Environment, Social Welfare and Companion Animal Health Care.

The Division of Tourism & Airline & Hotel has the departments of Hotel Culinary & Bakery Arts, Tourism & Foreign Languages, Food Nutrition, Airline Services, and Hotel & Tourism Management.

The Division of design and beauty includes the departments of Advertising Design, Fashion Design, Beauty Skincare, and Belle Hair Beauty.

The Division of Child Education features the departments of Early Childhood Education, Dept of Early Childhood Care & Arts Education, and Dept of Childhood Education & Care.

The Division of Knowledge & Management includes the departments of Business Administration, International Trade and Commerce, Financial Business and Tax Accounting.

The Division of IT·Broadcasting consists of the departments of Software Convergence and Video Broadcasting.

KIWU senior staff interacting with journalists
KIWU senior staff interacting with journalists


All students across the departments are young women, except in the Department of Korean Language where young men are also enrolled.

To boost its international stature and bolster connectivity with foreign universities, KIWU has partnership accords with higher institutions in the United States of America, Australia, Japan

Hungary, China, Cambodia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Russia, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.


Dreams for the future? Consolidating the drive to enter the top quartile group among 146 two-year colleges after becoming the best women’s university nationwide, and reinforcing education for providing professional knowledge and for global citizenship.

Habib Toumi

Editor - AsiaN English

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