
Kyrgyzstan launches drug traceability system


By Kuban Abdymen

BISHKEK: Kyrgyzstan is launching a drug traceability system as an important step to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medicines in the country.

The Decree of the Government of Kyrgyzstan on the introduction of such a system comes into force on March 4, 2023. It is mandatory for all manufacturers and suppliers of medicines in the country.

According to Ainura Abalieva, director of the department of medicines and medical devices of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, each box will have a QR code, upon reading which you can get full information about the drug: serial number, name, manufacturer, expiration date, and more.

“In this way, we will be able to track the drug at all stages: from import to Kyrgyzstan to the patient. It will be possible to identify where prescription drugs are sold without a doctor’s prescription, at what price, to compare them. In addition, there is a list of drugs whose cost is regulated. The system does not will sell them at a higher price,” Abaliyeva said.

The system will help prevent the sale of counterfeit and counterfeit medicines, reports.

“Now we are developing a mobile application for patients. With its help, they will be able to read the QR code and get full information about the drug, instructions in two languages, a list of possible side effects (or report their own). If the application does not find a medicine, then it can be imported illegally,” said the director of the department.

She added that some hospitals, pharmacies, distributors are connected to the system, it has a large number of drugs. According to calculations, its full implementation may take about 1.5 years.

Abaliyeva recalled that a ban on the supply of medicines without labeling will be introduced from 2024.

Kuban Abdymen

Kyrgyzstan, Former Head of Kyrgyz state news agency Kabar. Ph.D, Moscow State University

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