[China Now] Communist Party cadres asked to read and study

All, News, Wang Xuan - China Now

The People’s Daily of China carried a story on the occasion of the World Book & Copyight Day which fell on April 23 in which it quoted remarks of  a high ranking party official as saying that “party officials are asked to make reading as their major hobby.”

He further said in the paper that “China is in a very crucial juncture at present, so it is a very important mission for party cadres to study hard and read as many books as possible. They should keep in mind the fact that the key to success of the Chinsese Communist Party was incessant learning.”  

“Moreover, for those in important positions at party and government, learning should not be regarded as a private matter but as a social matter,” he went on to say. 

“Now China is going through a period of reform and development and a lot of problems are being surfaced in the process among the people in different stratums of Chinese society. Those problems are hampering continued economic development and social security.

Under these situations, the attitude of studying among the officials in party and government is getting more important,” he continued. 

In connection with his encouragement of reading, he recommended them a list of books to read.

They are : Marx and Engels Collected Works ,
Lenin thematic anthology,
Selected Works of Mao Zedong,
Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping,
Selected Works of Jiang Zemin,
War of Liberation,
Chinese Communist Party History (Volume 1.2),
A Brief History of the Communist Party,
The history of the Communist Party in China,

and so on.

However, in my view, the books recommended by a party leader are all related to Chinese Communist Party. None of them is concerned with general knowledge such as physicism, literature and social science. 

Wang Xuan news@theasian.asia

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