
AJA, JAK forum to debate “how we should face the third decade of the 21st century”

The panelists at the forum on "How we should face 2020-2029, the third decade of the 21st century"
The panelists at the forum on “How we should face 2020-2029, the third decade of the 21st century”

Seoul: Diplomacy, national security, the unification of Korea, multiculturalism, conflicts, the environment, and religion will be among the topics to be debated in depth at a forum to be hosted by the Asia Journalist Association (Director Lee Hyung Kyun, President Ashraf Dali) next week.

The two-part forum, “How we should face 2020-2029, the third decade of the 21st century”, is sponsored by the Journalists Association of Korea (President Jung Kyu Sung) and is hosted and supervised by the Asia Journalist Association on September 23 from 9:30 am to noon at the International Conference Room on the 20th floor of the Seoul Press Center.

The panelists include AsiaN Editor Alpago Şinasi, Ecomom Korea President Ha Jiwon, iMBC CEO and Basic Community Church Reverend Jo Jung Min, Seoul National University Professor Emeritus, ex-KBS Chairperson and ex-Korean Ambassador to Russia Lee In Ho, Save the Children Chairperson Oh Joon, and Kookmin University Endowed Chair Professor and Soorim Cultural Foundation Chairperson You Jin Ryong.

The AsiaN Editor


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