Author: Andrei Nikolaevich Lankov
Diplomatic roller coaster
Andrei Lankov – The Korea Times China is routinely described in the world’s media as “North Korea’s sole ally,” but this statement is rather misleading: the relations between Beijing and […]
Large, moody and dangerous
Andrei Lankov – The Korea Times It is clear, that since mid-July, the relations between South Korea and China, which in recent years had been quite friendly, have begun to […]
Alliance of convenience
Many, if not most, Westerners with a passing interest in North Korea tend to believe that in the bygone days of the Communist bloc the Soviet Union and North Korea […]
North Korea’s foreign trade
Recent economic sanctions created serious problems with exports of minerals from North Korea. Technically UN member countries are banned from importing North Korea minerals even though in practice it remains […]
Kim Jong Un’s visit to Russia unlikely to meet leader’s expectations
Much attention has been attracted recently by the media reports about Kim Jong Un’s likely decision to come to Moscow in May. If such a visit does indeed happen, it […]
Marshal Kim Jong-un, what if he dies?
Marshal Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea, in person was last seen in public on 3rd September attending a concert of his favourite girl group, the Moranbong ensemble, […]
North Korea’s failing diplomacy in Europe, Russia and Japan
By Andrei Lankov Kang Sok-ju, Korean Workers’ Party secretary for international issues, has departed for a trip to a number of European countries. He visits Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany […]
How to solve the divided families between South and North Korea?
According to official statistics produced by the Ministry of Unification, as of 30th June 2014 there were 129,553 South Koreans registered as ‘members of divided families’. This is an official […]
Kim Jong Un trying to cleanse South Korean TV films
It seems that Kim Jong Un is getting serious about ideological threats – at least, this is what a number of reliable and unconnected sources have claimed to be the […]
Korean Central News Agency and ‘Comrade Mr Miller’
In April 2014, North Korean border guards at Pyongyang international airport were treated to an unusual sight: a 24 year old American named Matthew Todd Miller tore up his North […]