“Youth” Exhibition

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D museum is presenting its first exhibition of this year and the concept is “Youth”. This exhibition includes art, fashion, music as well as including other things.

This “Youth” exhibition which has opened on the 9th of February at Hannam-dong’s D Museum deals includes according to “Timeout” sociological and philosophical questions. It also focuses on the youth cultures around the world, focusing on youth culture and the way it influences different fields of contemporary art. The exhibition will feature over 20 artist as well as over 200 art pieces and it also provides a look into youth culture and its significance to the world. The exhibition also aims to portray the youths’ continuous struggles and fight for expression in hopes for a better life.

“From Dash Snow, the daring and celebrated artist who captured the angst and agony of rebellious youth, to Ryan McGinley, the renowned photographer who documents the fantastic and hedonistic liberation from such anxiety, the exhibition features over 20 artists and a diverse selection from their body of works, including photography, graphic arts, and film. Uncovering the feverish nature of youth through original perspectives and unconventional approaches will offer a revealing moment into the private world of our own youth, ever alive and hungry for new excitements.~D museum



Address: 5-6, Dokseodang-ro 29-gil Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10:00–18:00, Fri-Sat 10:00–20:00

Price: Adult 8,000 won, youth 5,000 won, child 3,000 won

Phone: 02-720-0667

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