Samsung: People’s View in the United Arab Emirates

Asia, Economic, News, West Asia
Illustrated by BB/Paris
Illustrated by BB/Paris

Android devices, particularly of Samsung are the most prevalent in the Gulf and particularly in the United Arab Emirates.

Here are some views of people in the UAE using Samsung products.

Dalal Mohamed (housewife): I have Samsung Galaxy S6 and I think it is the best phone in the market. Excellent screen, great processor, wireless charging, and finger-print scanner, which unfortunately, does not work too well.
I also have a Samsung fridge with a great shape, door design and storage. It has an “Easy Slide” shelf that is secure. It is quite energy efficient with excellent cooling.

Maha Adel (journalist, Gulf News): I have Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, a top phone bridging the gap between the tech ‘smart’ feature lovers and the simple user. They have made the ‘fixes’ and are close to nailing the perfect smartphone. I am a little disappointed by the lack of removable battery, micro-SD card slot and waterproofing.

Omar Nasser (student): I have Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, a wireless carrier’s dream. I am puzzled why Samsung removed the option to swap batteries and remove the SD card slot. If I’m buying a $700 phone, I should have those options. To me, “edge” is just a gimmick to charge more.

Hager Hassan (student): I prefer Apple but my father is a Samsung lover. He has Samsung Galaxy S6, we have a Samsung fridge, washing machine and curved T.V. No one asked for this curved TV and no one likes them. Every year, they put some silly “technology” to justify their superiority. The fact is, they refuse to implement the full array in anything other than a sole model or two that most consumers cannot afford.

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