Winter boots in Kuwait?

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Recently, winter boots have been all the trend here in Kuwait. Short boots, tall boots, boots with fur and boots made out of rubber are but a few of the styles being modeled in Kuwait’s malls, restaurants and any other public location. Many of these boots are needless in Kuwait. Yes, the weather has been cold for the past few months and doesn’t seem to be letting up, but that is no reason to dress as though we are living in Alaska.
The following list of boots are items that might be in vogue, but are absolutely useless in a desert country like Kuwait:

The rubber knee-high
There is never really a need for rubber boots in Kuwait as it rains once a year and for three to five minutes. Boots like that should be worn when in torrential rains, when going to the barn to do some cleaning or if you were to climb down into the sewers and help the workers trying to clear a clog. These boots are never flattering as they only have one stiff shape and always look as though they should be on a three year-old girl going to kindergarten. Neither the weather nor the local pastime (shopping) necessitate that kind of foot protection. And with all this heat, having so much rubber on your feet cannot be so hygienic; it must get kind of smelly in there.

The leather thigh-high
These boots look the strangest as they go past the knee and sometimes halfway up the thigh; add a few inches and you can forget wearing pants. These boots take the shape of the leg and bend at the knee, even have a slit in the back to aid in the walking process. These boots are skin tight and cover most of the person’s pants. Going back to necessity, covering 80 percent of your legs with leather does not seem appropriate in a country where it’s summer 80 percent of the time. Putting these boots on and taking them off must require assistance and a stepladder.

The fur enveloped
Really? You are that cold that you would need to bundle your feet up as if you were about to walk into a freezer? Boots like that are made to be worn in countries like Canada and Iceland out of necessity and not style. When wearing boots covered in fur inside and out, you must accompany it with a big heavy winter coat, gloves and a knit hat. Seeing as a person would die if they attempted to walk out with that much clothes on, these boots have no place in Kuwait. And it is not responsible of us if we buy up all the fur boots.

The glow-in-the-dark
There are some boots that come is such flashy colors that you could probably see them in the dark. Now there are very few blackouts in Kuwait and if there were, boots should not be the main source of light. It’s nice to make a statement with your fashion, it’s not nice to cause airplane accidents from the glare of your boots. People should be looking at you because you look stylish, not because they can’t look away.

Construction boots seem to be making a comeback. They are heavy, bulky and just as useless as the above mentioned boots. These boots are even less flattering than the ever popular gumboots. Unless you are planning on building your own home, do not invest in these kinds of boots. Boots can shield you from the cold, protect you from the rain, but not here in Kuwait. Let’s dress responsibly by picking the right length, material and color to suit this country.  We mustn’t be slaves to fashion, just slaves to style. <Kuwait Times>




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