China Became the World’s 3rd-largest Arms Exporter

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China Arms Sales

China become the world’s third-largest arms exporter, but the United States and Russia remain the dominant sellers of weapons worldwide, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden on Monday.

China’s share was far below that of the United States, at 31 percent, or Russia, at 27 percent, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said.

In fact, China’s exports increased by 143 percent in 2010 to 2014, compared with the previous five-year period.

While arms exports by the United States increased by 23 percent over the previous five years; Russia’s increased by 37 percent.

Main Buyers of China’s arm are Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar, which received more than two-thirds of China’s total exports.

China also sold armored vehicles, and transport and trainer aircraft, to Venezuela; three frigates to Algeria; anti-ship missiles to Indonesia; and major arms to 18 African states, the report said.

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