South Asia
Hemant Divate: Poetic butterflies from the garden of India
An email sent from a friend opened a whole new world for me. It happened when Ahmed Al Shahawi, the well known Egyptian poet, sent me his friend Hemant Divate’s poems, to introduce them for Arab readers. Mr. Hemant Divate is an internationally known Marathi poet from India, who lives…
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West Asia
Women in revolution
Women had an effective role in rebellions even in earlier revolutions like the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and even in Arab revolutions. Women’s participation in revolutions started much earlier than 1000 A.D.; Cleopatra II of Egypt led a rebellion against her brother Ptolemy VIII and drove him and Cleopatra III…
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South Asia
Talent on the streets of Pakistan
It’s true that the talent can take birth anywhere. On the streets of Pakistan, one can come across many people who have passion and flair for singing. Mostly they are folk singers and musicians who are compelled to perform at streets and roadsides owing to their economic circumstances and having…
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East Asia
Myths and facts about North Korea’s Great Famine in 1990s
When it comes to North Korea, one of the most common clichés is a reference to the 1996-99 famine which, as we are told, “killed two or three million people”. This figure has been repeated countless times, and few people are aware where it comes from. Even fewer people know…
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East Asia
Differences in taste shown at Seoul Int’l Drama Awards
The explosion in global popularity of the Korean entertainment industry was well highlighted by the biggest ever Seoul International Drama Awards(SDA), which were held at the National Theater of Korea on September 5. For the first time since these awards began in 2006, the voice of Korea’s growing army of…
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South Asia
Pakistan, a nation hostage to criminals
The entire Pakistani nation is virtually hostage to terrorists, kidnappers, killers and other criminals, as the number of crimes including heinous crimes like murders, kidnapping for ransom, highway robberies, bank robberies, rape, gang-rape, extortion, car and bike theft and snatching, shooting dead for a mobile phone and other street crimes…
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East Asia
Understanding S. Korea’s ‘386 generation’ and pro-north activists
As all our readers are surely aware, South Korea is now in the middle of yet another political scandal. The National Intelligence Service (NIS) recently produced evidence that seemingly indicates that Lee Seok Ki, a member of parliament from the far-left United Progressive Party, was engaged in conspiracy and was…
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South Asia
The missing links of Asian history
Emeritus Professor Kim Byung-Mo of the Department of Cultural Anthropology at Hanyang University in South Korea has been looking for his roots. After a laborious forty years of research, he was perhaps not surprised to find that he shared a “genetic connection” with the royal family of Ayodhya, a non-descript…
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Central Asia
Kazakh director Zhanabek Zhetiru: Recreating myth in cinema
As Otilija Kerbelyte says, in cinema we find the myths and legends portrayed with fantastic genres, special effects, and mythological creatures such as elves and orcs in the The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Mythical creatures usually wear the clothes, which no human would wear (e.g. faun and fairies in…
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Nomadic Art: the world’s true identity
In Latin American geography and culture, each and every human being is at once a unit and a multiplicity – identical to him/herself while constantly changing. That is how we validate the existential game of cohabitation, how we celebrate presence of a human course originated in wanderings and shipwrecks that…
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