Tag: Japan
“Comfort women” enraged by the deal between Korea and Japan
A day after the irreversible settlement of a decades-long standoff over Korean women forced into sexual slavery by Japan’s WWII military, there’s relief among South Korean and Japanese diplomats, fury among activists […]
Settling the sex slavery dilemma between Korea and Japan
Foreign ministers of South Korea and Japan held discussion in Seoul on Monday 28th December arriving at a conclusion that would solve the issue of sex slavery between Korea and Japan. […]
Asia suffers from pollution once again in 2015
As 2015 comes to a close, Asia proves to have another year of air pollution and its suffering ahead. According to the statistics issued by World Air Quality, China comes […]
Court rejects review of 1965 Korea-Japan treaty
The Constitutional Court rejected Wednesday a petition to review the constitutionality of Korea’s 1965 post-occupation agreement with Japan with regard to compensation claims from forced wartime laborers. The court said […]
Robot Party: Expanding Robotics attraction in Korea
With the latest surge of films and TV shows with ‘conscious’ robots, I have developed an interest in the artificial intelligence and well, robots which can perfectly mimic human behavior. […]
A Korean Orphan Who Inspired Hope in post-WWII Japan
Amidst all the angst between Japan and Korea for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial army on Koreans in the last century, there are stories that are easily forgotten […]
40% of Koreans are endangered by alcohol
A new study warns Koreans of excessive drinking, as the study claims that 4 out of 10 South Korean are endangered by small amounts of alcohol. Kang Bo Song, Emergency […]
Korean professor to release application to raise awareness on sex slaves
Seo Kyong Dok, South Korean professor at Sungshin’s Women University, said of his plans to release a smart phone application to raise awareness on the issue of Japanese sexual salvation during […]
Korean arrested in Japan on suspicions of Yasukuni bombing
A Korean man was arrested on suspicions of causing an explosion in a public restroom at Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine, Japanese media reported Wednesday. Several Japanese news outlets said that the […]
82% South Koreans in favor of reunification
Eight out of 10 South Koreans believe unification with the North is necessary, a survey shows. The National Unification Advisory Council surveyed 1,000 adults last month and 82 percent said […]