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Russia and Iran to begin construction work on Bushehr-2 NPP


Moscow and Tehran are set to launch the construction of the second stage of Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant on September 10, the ASE company said in a statement on September 6, TASS reports.

ASE is an engineering company within Russian state atomic energy corporation, Rosatom.

According to the statement, Rosatom’s head Sergei Kirienko will be attending the groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday.

The plant will be built under the new project “II+”, which was awarded an EUR certificate (European operators).

“The Bushehr-2 nuclear power plant will use unique technology and the latest solutions as well as a new safety system concept,” ASE declared in a statement.

Earlier it was reported that the contract envisaged the construction of two new units of the nuclear plant at the Bushehr site.

Bushehr’s first power unit was built by Russian organizations in accordance with the 1995 contract with Iran. The power plant was connected to Iranian power network on September 3, 2011. This is the first nuclear power plant in the Middle Eastern region.

In November 2014, Nuclear Power Production and Development Company of Iran (NPPD) and Russia’s Atomstoiexport signed two contracts: for the construction of units 2, 3 of Bushehr-2 under the Engineering, Procurement and Construction terms and on a turnkey basis and for engineering studies and collection of data at the site of Bushehr-2. The total capacity of two units of WWER-1000 (Water-Water Energetic Reactor) should be 2,100 megawatt.

The AsiaN Editor


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