Central AsiaBusiness

Turkmenistan to expand exploration of oil fields

Qatar Oil MeetingOne of the priority directions of exploration of the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” at the present time is the search for oil deposits. In connection with reliable security proved natural gas reserves for many years, “Turkmengeology” the last time orients the main volumes of geological exploration in search of oil deposits, Ministry of Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan announced.

As noted by the geologists, almost all the land area of Turkmenistan is regarded as prospective for oil and gas. Moreover, the possibility of subsoil is estimated to a depth of 7 kilometers. They are associated with the Neogene, Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments. According to “Turkmengeology”, in the depths of Turkmenistan, to date, revealed a large number of promising oil and gas structures, proved the existence of huge proven reserves and prospective resources. Opened more than 190 fields, most of which are associated with natural gas.

Now geologists have to study oil and gas potential of pre-Jurassic sediments, where the previously received industrial inflows of natural gas from sulphur-free carbon deposits on the area Taringa, in the North of Turkmenistan.

In addition, all active in the search and exploration will include more deep-seated, highly promising horizons of the Pliocene-Miocene complexes, in the perspective of the Mesozoic deposits in the South – West, Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern parts of the country.

Successfully conduct seismic exploration using 3D in East Turkmenistan (Galkynysh, Yashlar fields, etc.) and in South-Western Turkmenistan (deposits Akpatlavuk, Korpetdje, etc.) allowed to study and to prepare a new, deep-lying promising structure, with large estimated resources and reserves of oil and gas, and to develop a system of methods of exploration designed to detect the previously identified structures.

In addition, “Turkmengeology” expects tangible results from cooperation with foreign companies. In particular, under contract with the Corporation by the Chinese company CNPC, Chuanqing drilling (CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited (CCDC)) completes the drilling of exploration wells, the design depth of 5500 meters square Nagaraju to the East of the country. In accordance with another contract, the company “Yug-Neftegaz” (Singapore) continues to perform seismic works 2D and 3D methods in the West of Turkmenistan, in the area of Northern Goturdepe fields, Goturdepe and Barsagelmes. These works will be performed both on land and partly on the shallow part of the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea.


The AsiaN Editor


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