News Presenter and CEO of UBS Music Channel
Asia N interviewd Odgerel,the best presenter and representative director for UBS music channel. The interview went off a bit over hour in the efternoon on 06 May at UBS. Odgerel is enjoying an active life and she is as good as anyone in the field of journalism.
-You are the skillful journalist and presenter woman of Mongolia. Why did to choose this sector?
Being a journalist was my goal. But I gained the presenter’s skills and techniques from the TV space unavoidably. Also, my funniness, fond of music and vividness might affect me to be a presenter. It excites my behavior to search new things. For this, this sector which is new and interesting charges me.
-For the journalist, please express the current images of the Mongolian journalism sector.
Mongolia chose the democratic free society. So, the long time passed by expressing its role of the 4th governance as the journalist’s pen and journalism field. But Mongolian politic and economic conditions are on rough time, so journalism sector has been changed in compliance with the different development stages and different social images. Its advantage is that the competition is high and journalism sector is strong. Besides the advantages, the weaknesses are increased. The sector is grown in Mongolian journalism as same as the growing yellow press and little or no legitimate well-researched news all over the world.
-What changes did your life have by choosing this profession?
Of course, I have to behave myself good and feel the time because I am popular to publics. Also, I am open and active socially more than previous. Importantly, I am happy to express myself as I want and be a voice to affect to others and youths as well as society. Except that, I am a simple Mongolian woman. I am happy that the people say good words and wish the best for me. I seem it gives to my life the brightness. I take the energies to blaze away and live energetically from the viewership.
-You have been presenting the Mongolian famous Universe best songs festival for the 6 years and managing the UBS music channel. What do you conclude the Mongolian art, especially musical development and tendency?
Mongolia has the long traditional history and cultures. But there are many things which were forgotten, lost and cleared in the long historical stages. We have been trying to restore the cultural and art history and retain it to future youths and generations from 2000. On the other hand, Mongolian youths are interested in foreign music and songs and art and culture innovation. Particularly, there is a generations who admired the Korean songs. It shows that the world eyes to a direction. Mongolian youths succeed the Mongolian songs and Mongolian cultures, study from the foreign world and keep pace with the world culture and art.
-Your goal and dream?
The dream is unlimited. But I try to provide my dream as goal. I made the poetry books, dramas and more than 20 song lyrics. I am developed to write the drama. I have a dream to be a writer. Therefore, I am planning to establish the studio which carries out the elementary training for presenters and gives advices on human development at the request of children and youths.
-Long years passed since you refused from the animal products, meats and furs. I seem that Mongolian people is difficult to not eat meat?
I have never eaten the animal meat for 8 years. People say you look like younger that your peers. I think that it is related to art, avoidance of animal products and meditation. I am a pupil of the saint teacher Ching Hai. So, I refuse to eat meat and wear fur.
-Finally, what do you say to our readers?
I thank the Korean people who are similar to us by the blue spots. It is clear that Mongolian people study the goodness from your people. Also, I wish you, your readers and my international friends the bright life. Do everything you want to do. But I would like to say that you should live on true way and true attitude.