East AsiaCulture

Skirt on inaugural day

President-elect Park Geun-hye will take office on Feb. 25, and fashion experts have come forth with suggestions on how to navigate the complex relationship between power and clothes.

The president-elect, with her power suits and coiffed hair, portrays an image of veteran politician with aplomb in the male-dominated political arena.

Kim Choong-do, CEO of Andre Kim, suggest Park keep outfits simple. “I think a white jacket and a black dress with a pearl necklace will look good on her,” said Kim in an email interview.

“It shouldn’t be too fancy or colorful; she needs something that shows her commitment to trust and principle. Simply designed black and white items are recommended for the inauguration ceremony.”

When she served as first lady after the death of her mother in 1974 and after her reentry into politics in 1997, she wore long skirts and colorful outfits in the shades of yellow, purple, and even pink. These days, she is clad in such neutral tones as navy blue, khaki or camel with some red accessories. Red is the color of the ruling Saenuri Party.

Hong Hye-jin, creative director at the studio K, and fashion designer Lee Suk-tea of KAAL E.SUKTAE also share the similar view on the idea of simplicity.

“I suggest she tries a smart navy blue suit and a blue shirt underneath it, all of which will give more trust and confidence. But it might look a bit boring so accentuate with a simple necklace or a scarf,” Hong said.

“Black and white clothing with some orange color accessories will be suitable on the special occasion. She will look more confident as female president and lively and posh at the same time,” said Lee.

Hair stylist Lee Sang-il suggests that the president-elect brush up her front bangs for a complete swept-up hair-do.

“Showing off her forehead will give an impression of a poised yet benign politician. And personally, I would like to see her in a skirt, and in colorful hues, rather than black and white,” said Lee Sang-il. <The Korea Times/Rachel Lee>

The AsiaN Editor


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