Adeline Budiman, Indonesian Student who is studying in Korea Institute of Science and Technology in Seoul posted, “Yup it is definitely white Christmas here… May joy and peace flow beautifully like this fallen snow! Merry Christmas!”
And another Indonesian Student, Yohana Kurnia Endah, posted a video on Facebook when she attended the Midnight Christmas Mass in Catholic Cathedral Church in Seoul.
The Midnight Mass was beautiful. Snow fell and people was standing outside the church after the mass. Colorful lights illuminated some places and trees in the Cathedral.
I went to Catholic Cathedral Church in Myeongdong for an English Mass in the morning of Christmas Day.
Koreans and foreigners gathered together to celebrate Jesus’ birthday and thanked Him for being born to the world to save mankind.

The Priest wore a Santa Clause hat by the end of the mass, giving a way some gifts and a church choir sang Christmas Carols.
The decoration completed with Christmas Trees by the isle, Christmas songs and the verses from the bible read in the mass were perfect to make the celebration became more special.
I then spend my Christmas Day with my friends from Indonesia, Russia and East Timor. Spending such a holy day in a foreign country with friends I love is all I have long wished for.
According to a census held in 2005, quoted by the U.S. State Department site, Christianity is the majority religion in Korea with Protestant, 18.3 percent and Roman Catholic 10.9 percent. Buddhism is the second largest religion with 22,8 percent of the population.
Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia