
Better Place with Tranquility and Happiness

The rigours of life levy a huge tax on the emotional state of an adult. The accomplishment of tasks and accumulation of wealth bear such importance that an individual forgets what he/she truly seeks. A child on the other hand, lives in the moment, has no prejudices and does not follow conformity.

A child has a life to look forward to and chase a dream. I believe, it is in chasing this dream that even an adult can live and develop a prospect of being happy. As a child, I found security and love in the embrace of my parents. I followed a path paved forward by my dreams and ambitions. In essence I followed my heart. Now after Fifty years, when I return home after yet another day of hard work, I am blessed to find happiness, this time around in the loving embrace of my grandson.

In the course of professional life, while in a tight spot I often retreat to joyous memories of my past. At times of introspection, to assure myself of well being, I start to compare. It is then that I Modestly and thankfully, appreciate my good fortune. Out of a force of habit, I seek happiness from all that I can create and all that I can engage in.

After all, I will profess, that It is only human nature to seek happiness, and in every way possible. We experience happiness at many junctures of our daily life, Just rewards for a job well done or meetings with a loved kin are instances that make us happy. Be it at work or a family gathering, we liven up to anyone that appreciates us. We have our own likings and cravings, the fulfillment of which provides us with gratification.

It is the same sense of gratification that is derived from a variety of activities like reading, travelling, dancing, and singing. By and large, Happiness infuses into our life in different forms. It presents itself in different moments.  It is the individual that has to live these moments to be essentially happy.

Life however, presents itself with many shades. While the ease of a cozy environment of my home makes me relaxed, the annoyance of a scorching sun, a trek on a rugged mountain and the cold of the night makes me think twice. It is then that I remember the faces of the peasants of the hillsides that I meet in my journeys. Toiling away on the harshest terrain and with bare minimum of resources, they still open up their arms and greet me like a family member.

They are truly remarkable in their resilient outlook and they exude joy of a serene nature. The most remarkable and heartening image that I notice are their faces beaming with an honest smile.  When I inquire about the reason of their happiness, they talk about the satisfaction brought about by an honest effort and a clear conscience. Significantly, their answers remind me of the true nature of the happiness that I feel. It gives me immense pleasure when I am able to help the unfortunate naive girls who have been victim of trafficking.

To some those naive girl’s pain and agony becomes a mode of happiness. For the pimps; it’s an easy source of money, for the clients its untainted physical bliss but for the poor victim, its absolute misery. I feel contented when I am able to release these innocent girls, rehabilitate them at Maiti Nepal, Provide them skill based training, give them protection, psychotherapy, reconstruct their lives and be able to reintegrate them back to the society and when I see a smile on their face – it makes me happy.

Being a social worker my happiness lies in the contribution I can make in the society and in the lives of the women and children of Nepal. Every time I embrace my grandson, I feel a sense of gratefulness .I am grateful and at the same time satisfied. I realize that the privilege of being able to work without undermining my conscience and being able to touch many lives by my work are the real reasons for my satisfaction and ultimately happiness.

Lastly, I feel that it is the responsibility of every human being to think about the pain and suffering in the world, think about the happiness one person could give to someone with a small contribution. For instance Leftovers, clothes and any other materials which we throw in the dustbin could bring contentment and happiness in someone who needs them. Every person should learn to make a change in their habit and make this world a better place with tranquility and happiness.

Anuradha Koirala

Nepal, Chairpreson of Maiti Nepal, CNN hero of the year 2010

One Comment

  1. Brilliant message..would add a child is always blissful because he/she lives in the present, in the moment if we can learn to do that a lot of our problems will vanish.

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