East Asia

Anti-Japan Protest Erupts In Front Of Japanese Embassy In Seoul

Police officers spray fire extinguisher as anti-Japan protesters burn a Japanese rising sun flag and placards during a rally criticizing the Japanese government’s recent claim over the disputed islets called Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, and demanding an official apology and compensation for South Korean wartime sex slaves from the Japanese government, in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, Sept. 24, 2012.

Anti-Japan protesters scuffle with police officers during a rally criticizing the Japanese government’s recent claim over the disputed islets called Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, and demanding an official apology and compensation for South Korean wartime sex slaves from the Japanese government, in front of the Japanese Embassy, right, in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. The letters read with a photo of Japanese Emperor Akihito “Immediately Apology, Japanese Emperor Akihito.” <AP Photo/Lee Jin-man>


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