‘THE AsiaN’ completely redesigned for a more rewarding reading experience

SEOUL: THE AsiaN, an online media outlet launched on November 11, 2011, has completely revamped its site.
THE AsiaN, which features Korean and English editions, has throughout its history undergone some renovations and reorganizations, but this is the first time it has completely revamped its site layout.
The most important element of the new-look site of THE AsiaN since March 2025 was its user-friendly simplicity. To help readers focus on the articles, it has organized the elements concisely and installed functions that take user convenience into consideration.
The renewal is the first step by THE AsiaN within its new outreach strategy to accelerate network expansion.
THE AsiaN was launched to deliver news from Asia from an Asian perspective, centered on contributions from Asia Journalist Association (AJA).
THE AsiaN will focus on securing unique content through contributions from AJA members as well as form content partnerships with media outlets in various Asian countries to deliver “hidden” news from Asia that readers have difficulty accessing.
Once the reorganization of THE AsiaN is completed, the next step is to publish THE AsiaN multilingual editions based on the new layout. Accordingly, the newly established HE AsiaN multilingual editions will include the Sindhi edition covering the India-Pakistan region and the Russian edition covering Central Asia.
“THE AsiaN will deliver better content to readers in the new space,” THE AsiaN Publisher Lee Sang-ki said.
“THE AsiaN will lay the foundation to leap forward as a unique Asian news platform, which is our ultimate goal, through network expansion.”