
Call for Submissions: Poetry Planetariat # 9


By: WPM Correspondent

CAIRO: Poetry Planetariat, the official publication of the World Poetry Movement (WPM), has called on creative pens and brushes to submit their poems, criticisms of poetry, poetry book reviews, and artworks for the ninth issue of Poetry Planetariat.

Poetry Planetariat is dedicated to promoting humanitarian values, peace, justice, and concern for the planet Earth through poetry and art.

Submissions should reach publication before 30 December 2023.  All submissions to be emailed to:

Poetry Planetariat has provided answers to questions regarding submission:

In what language can you submit? 

Original and unpublished poems or reviews in any world language are welcome. But they should be accompanied by an English translation. We will publish both the original and translated versions if selected for publication. It is mandatory to mention the name of the translators for the translation you submit.

How many poems can you submit? 

Typically, we only publish a poem for one poet to accommodate as many poets as possible.

Do you need to send a bio of the poet? 

Yes, please send us your bio in at most 60 words (preferably in your original language and English translation). Your email, contact phone /WhatsApp number are requested. We will use them only for communications with you.]

Do you need to send the picture of the contributing poet? 

Yes, please send us your photographs to be used in the magazine. Your photos should be sent as separate jpeg or png files.

Can you send your artwork for the magazine?

If you are an artist, we welcome your artwork/ paintings for publication in the magazine. You are also requested to include the title of your painting/ artwork and provide a brief detail about it. Your pictures should be sent as separate jpeg or png files. Please make sure the quality of your photo file has a high resolution

Who has the copyright to the published materials? 

The contributing poets and the translators have the copyright to their respective poems and work of translations. WPM owns the copyright in the collective form as a magazine. Once published in this magazine, the individual authors are free to republish their works elsewhere with credit to Poetry Planteriat.

Do you need to pay for the publication? 

We are a group of poets working on a volunteer basis organized in the form of WPM. We do not charge any publication fee. Neither can we pay the contributors.

When will it be published? 

It will be published online in February 2024 and can be accessed through World Poetry Movement (WPM)’s official website

What to write in the email’s subject line? 

Please write the following details in the subject line: [Your Name_country_Genre of contribution]

Example: Christine Ross_Guatemala_Poetry or Book Review or Artwork

Can you type your submissions in the body of your email? 

No. You should send your poems, criticisms, or book reviews as a separate Word document. It should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 font size, in single spacing. Please provide your bio on the same page that contains your main text. Do not use a different file for your bio.


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