Samsung Electronics appoints first woman president

SEOUL: The Korean woman credited with successfully promoting the image and brand of Samsung’s Galaxy mobile phones has made history at Samsung by becoming the first woman executive to be promoted to president of global marketing for its mobile business.
Samsung Electronics Co. on Monday made the announcement, in the first move to tap a female talent for the top post, Yonhao news agency reported.
Lee Young-hee is now the president of the Global Marketing Center for Samsung’s Device eXperience (DX) division that oversees its mobile business.
She is the first woman president at Samsung, the country’s biggest conglomerate, to come from outside the founding family.
Lee Boo-jin, the first daughter of late Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee, is currently serving as the president and chief executive of Hotel Shilla, a Samsung affiliate.
Lee Young-hee joined the tech giant in 2007 and was promoted to vice president in 2012.
Samsung expects the promotion to serve as a chance for other talented female employees to challenge themselves to climb career ladders.